
Friday, July 05, 2002

Dale: A short intro: Heather and I are a young Catholic couple who will have been married for three years as of October 23. We are the proud parents and loyal servants of Madeleine, age 10 months. We live in Michigan, and have our whole lives. I'm an attorney (please, no hissing) and Heather is a public school teacher (French and Spanish). We have two cats (one superfluous), a dog, and (my favorite) a sword-tail goldfish. All crammed into a cozy ranch-style home ("They loaded up the truck and moved to Bev-er-ly..."). Don't let the title and description fool you (whoever you might be). We'll probably hold forth on a number of topics, including the war, religion and the Scandal (like I said, we're Catholic) sports, politics, movies--you name it. Even if we don't have reader #1, we should have fun bloviating at random. Once we figure it out, we'll post links and an e-mail address for feedback. Please note that all e-mails will be considered as fodder for publication. Don't worry, credit (or blame) will be given accordingly.

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