
Thursday, July 11, 2002

Heather: I was discussing babies with my mother today. My mom has more grandkids than any of her sisters-in-law (none of her brothers had kids, so grandkids are moot) and was relaying what my sister was told by our aunt. How lucky she is to have so many grandchildren, at least one from each child (fourth due in August and fifth, we already know, probably in March), et cetera. Mom mentioned a couple cousins, one of whom is going back and forth on kids and another who's finding reason after reason to continue putting off a second. I actually heard myself saying, "There's never a good time to have a baby, whether first, fifth, or eighth." Gee, you DID just hear yourself, right?
I think I'm finding peace with this pregnancy. Better now than in 8 months, I suppose.

I turn 31 at the end of this month. It was pretty untraumatic to turn 30, so I don't suppose this one will be a big deal either. Dale has a list of gift requests. He's pretty good when he strays from a list; he has excellent taste in jewelry. There was one Christmas where we both got each other crucifixes--gold cross and silver corpus. I found it O. Henry-ish without the futile aspect.

I try not to have the TV on during the day while I'm home, so I stay pretty much out of the loop on current affairs most of the time. Some things sink in: the guy who shot his 18-month-old daughter in Detroit is not nuts. He's evil.
Bush borrowed a grand total of $180K back in the day when everyone else was, and paid it back. Frankly, the fact that "everyone else was" doesn't make it right. The fact that it is, relatively speaking, infinitesimal when compared to the borrowing by other executives does matter. The fact that he PAID IT BACK is the part that interests me!

Anyway. Dale needs to adjust the coals so he can grill for dinner. That means I'm back on point for Maddie.

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