
Friday, December 13, 2002

I'm going to be calm about this and explain it slowly. Please be patient.
I am not a computer genius or even much of a novice. I can type well and sort of navigate the 'Net. I rely pretty much completely on my dear sweet husband to create the links from this blog to whatever site I mention--whether a book to purchase at Amazon, recent photo proofs of our family, whatever. He's shown me once and it went into the memory hole, so perhaps I ought to ask again.
I know what happens to the text when one bolds it, italicizes it, or uses it as a link. It turns orange for the last. For the anonymous(?) Nihil Obstat, they are not the same thing. Occasionally I have a title for my entries; those are in bold. Please, for the sake of the punctuation impaired, do not confuse them.

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