
Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Heather: Some thoughts on Jews, Catholics, and whom Jesus died for.
I was asked by a student the year I taught at a Catholic high school, "Didn't the Jews kill Jesus?" I was utterly ignorant of the Vatican's stand on the issue and had just my own knee-jerk reply. "Of course not," with no small amount of scorn. I still maintain that.
My dad, when asked a tough question, used to tell me, "I can give you a really good how, but not why." The HOW of Jesus' death is the Jews; they were the instruments. Okay. The why? Come on! Didn't He die as a sacrifice for all of us? To redeem us? Enough folks read this blog to tell me if I'm mistaken--please do.
That rant was inspired by the concern over Mel Gibson's movie coming out soon. Sure, the Jews and the Romans were the "how," but we all are the "why."
Just to cover my backside: don't go off and vandalize a Jewish business/home/place of worship because I supposedly said they had a role in Jesus' death. While they did, technically, God could have used pink elephants if that had been part of His plan.

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