
Saturday, April 19, 2003

Heather: What does sibling rivalry look like when it involves a newborn/infant and a toddler? I don't think I'm seeing it. Maddie tries to share her Cheerios and sippy with her little brother, who is indifferent to these actions. She actually climbs over him--putting none of her weight on him, if you can believe it--when he's in his bouncy chair. And as much as he is able to focus on anything, he focuses on her. Somewhere in that developing brain he is fascinated by his big sister.
He's growing leaps and bounds; at his checkup two weeks ago he'd gained 5 pounds since birth. That put him at almost 6 weeks old and 13#10oz. He's a hoss.

As to details about Madeleine, she's edging closer to potty training. She has lots of signs, like using the words "peepee" and "poop" appropriately. I try to remember to ask her when she's naked before her bath if she wants to make peepee on her potty; occasionally she sits on it, but not always. Once--just once--she actually started going while sitting on it! I got all excited and she thought I was upset, and started crying. I think I blew it. Nuts. That was a while back, though, so I'm hoping she's forgotten it.
I can't keep track of all of her words, though apparently I say "Aw, shoot" often when the phone rings.

I apologize again for the long delays between entries. I hope we haven't lost too many frequent readers; those of you with children know of what I speak. It's often a choice between nap or shower when they are both asleep simultaneously, and of course I never know how long it's going to last.

Oh, Maddie's surgery. She's fine and the trauma was greatest for Mom. Her greatest upset was coming around and not seeing anyone or anything familiar, but when Daddy arrived with two--count 'em, two--long-awaited sippies of milk, the world got better. I catch her sometimes putting her fingers in her ears and calling me, then taking them out. It's like she's checking the system.
Thank you all for your prayers.

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